



Charlie Poole & the North Carolina Ramblers
McKinley hollered, McKinley squalled
Doc said to McKinley, "I can't find that ball"
From Buffalo to Washington

Roosevelt in the White House, he's doing his best
McKinley in the graveyard, he's taking his rest
He is gone, long old time

Hush up, little children, now don't you fret
You'll draw a pension at your papa's death
From Buffalo to Washington

Roosevelt in the White House drinking out of a silver cup
McKinley in the graveyard, he'll never wakes up
He is gone, long old time

Ain't but one thing that grieves my mind
That is to die and leave my poor wife behind
I'm gone, long old time

Lookit here, little children, don't waste your breath
You'll draw a pension at your papa's death
From Buffalo to Washington

Standing at the station just looking at the time
See if I could run it by half past nine
From Buffalo to Washington

Came the train, she's just on time
She run a thousand miles from eight o'clock till nine
From Buffalo to Washington

Yonder come the train, she's coming down the line
Throwin' every station, Mr. McKinley's a-dying
It's hard times, it's hard times

Lookit here, you rascal, you see what you've done
You've shot my husband with that Iver Johnston gun
Carry me back to Washington

Doc's on the horse, he th'ow down his rein
Said to that horse, "You've got to outrun this train"
From Buffalo to Washington

Doc came a-running, takes off his specs
Said, "Mr McKinley, it's, better pass in your checks
You bound to die, bound to die"

この歌はチャーリー・プール(1892–1931)とノースカロライナ・ランブラーズが1926年に録音した『ホワイトハウス・ブルース』である。おそらく事件から余り日が経ってうちに作曲したにも関わらず、政治的配慮からすぐに発表できなかったのではなかろうか。ニュー・ロスト・シティ・ランブラーズ、ビル・モンロー、アール・テーラー、サム・ブッシュなど、主としてブルーグラス音楽系のミュージシャンに歌い継がれ、現在でも頻繁に演奏されている。アメリカのカントリーソングには『オールド 97 の大破』『タイタニック』など、事件事故をテーマにしたトピカルソングが少なからずある。人々は歌によって歴史の記憶が蘇るのである。私がマッキンリー暗殺事件を知ったのはこの『ホワイトハウス・ブルース』を聴いたからだった。

  White House Blues: Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers 1926 (Columbia 15099-D)

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