

I thought about this while climbing the mountain path. If you work for Satoshi It will be washed away if you feel it. It's cramped if you get it right. Anyway, people's world is hard to live in. The more difficult it is to live, the more you want to move to a cheap place. When you realize that it is difficult to live wherever you go, poetry is born and you can draw.

I thought as I climbed the mountain road. If you work with wisdom, you will have horns. If you let your feelings get the better of you, you will be swept away. It's cramped if you get your way. Anyway, the human world is hard to live in. When it becomes difficult to live, you want to move to a cheaper place. When you realize that no matter where you move to, it's hard to live, poems are born and paintings are made.

I thought in this way while climbing the paths of mountain. It creates hard feelings if it acts on intellect. It is strolled if I point to the pole in feeling. It is tight if I maintain guts. The secular society is hard to live if I rake this. When I live, and hate grows on, it goes down and wants to move to the cheap place. When I realized that it is hard to live even if I move to where, poetry is born, and there is an image.

I thought of Yamaji so while climbing. When operating on cleverness, I give offense. When sticking a pole into affection, it's let run. When having the own way, it's tight. It's difficult to live in an edge for the world. When difficulty in living there is aggravated, I feel like pulling it to an inexpensive place and coming. When perceiving to be difficult to live there wherever you came, poetry can be born and do ga.

書籍翻訳(Alan Turney)
Going up a mountain track, I fell to thinking. Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours.

漱石の『坊っちゃん」などの作品の英訳を手掛けた英国のアラン・ターニー(1938-2006)は『草枕』を直訳せず "Three Cornered World" 題して訳しているが「文字通りの意味は The Grass Pillow であり、日本の詩歌で旅を表す一般的な表現である。この表題を文字通りに訳しても、英語圏の読者には含意が伝わらないであろうから、私がこの作品の核心を表していると思うフレーズを本文から抜粋した方がよいと思った」と書いている。流れるような素晴らしい英訳で、流石、オンライン翻訳は遠く及ばない。

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