
短編アニメ "Abita" 外で遊べない子供たち

Abita from Uki Uki Studio on Vimeo
Abita, an animated short film about Fukushima children who can't play outside because of the radiation risk, delicately illustrates their dreams and realities. The film, produced by Shoko Hara and Paul Brenner, won the award for Best Animated Film at the International Uranium Film Festival in 2013. Shoko Hara, a student in Germany who was born in Okayama in the western part of Japan, wrote about the metaphor she used in the film. Sound Design and Music: Lorenz Schimpf. Awards: Best Animated Film, International Uranium Film festival, Rio de Janeiro, 2013. Special Mention, Back-up Filmfestival, Weimar, 2013.

Kinder in Fukushima können auf Grund der radioaktiven Strahlung nicht mehr in der Natur spielen. Denn die Natur ist nicht dekontaminierbar. Dies ist nur eine Geschichte von 360.000 Kindern, die zu Hause bleiben und von ihrer Freiheit in der Natur träumen und die Wirklichkeit erleben.

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