
英国BBC放送「写真の天才たち」第1部 - 影を捉える

英国BBC放送の「写真の天才たち」(The Genius of Photography)のビデオが動画共有サイトYouTubeに投稿されています。全6部作ですが第1回「影を捉える」を紹介します。英語の音声を日本語で書き出すのは私には無理ですが、ビデオをご覧になれば理解できると想像します。添付の英文解説を取り敢えず原文のまま転載しますが、これは時間をみて翻訳、後から補填しようと考えています。

Fixing the Shadows tells the story of the birth of photography itself and the profound question that it raised, and which has never been satisfactorily answered: what is photography for? Detailing the rival methods of the pioneers Henry Fox Talbot and Louis Daguerre for 'fixing the shadows', the programme examines how photography took its place alongside other new technologies like the railway and telegraph to transform our understanding of the modern world. It describes how pioneer photographers like the portraitist Nadar asserted the status of photography as an art only for this status to be transformed by the Kodak revolution, which put the camera into the hands of the masses who unlocked its potential for surreality, randomness and surprise. Finally it examines the case of Jacques-Henri Lartigue, the schoolboy photographer who demonstrated the true genius of photography in the hands of the amateur. Includes interviews with Chuck Close and David Byrne.

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